Our Echogenic Products for your Fascial Plane Block



Our Echogenic Products for your Fascial Plane Blocks

What are Fascial Plane Blocks?


The application of ultrasound in regional anaesthesia has started with peripheral nerve blocks until Hebbard et al. showed the transversus abdomins plane (TAP) block in this field. The difference of the ultrasound-guided truncal blocks (fascial blocks) to peripheral nerve blocks is that there is no need for identification of nerves or plexus. The anaesthetic (LA) is injected in an explicit muscle plane in which the injectate will be distributed and reaches the supposed nerve. To get a structured overview regarding truncal blocks, the following differentiation can be used: Blocks of the abdominal wall, blocks in the chest and paraspinal blocks.1

What Pajunk offers?

We offer different single shot needles and continuous catheter systems for fascial plane blocks. Below you find for each block a product recommendation and a literature review.








ESP Block

(Erector Spinae Plane)

Thoracic and upper abdominal surgery,

Posterior rib fractures

Single Shot:

SonoPlex®, SonoTAP®, TuohySono



E-Cath®/E-Cath® Plus, SonoLong Sono

for SonoPlex 


for E-Cath/E-Cath Plus

PECS Block

(Pectoral Nerve)

Breast surgery

Single Shot:

SonoPlex, SonoTAP



E-Cath/E-Cath Plus, SonoLong Sono

for SonoPlex


for Continuous

PVB Block


Surgery involving the breast,

ribs and chest wall

Single Shot:




SonoLong Curl Echo

for SonoTAP


for SonoLong Curl Echo

QLB Block

(Quadratus Lumborum)

Abdominal surgery

Single Shot:

SonoTAP, SonoPlex



E-Cath/E-Cath Plus

for SonoPlex


for Continuous

SAP Block

(Serratus Anterior Plane)

Rib fractures,

Breast surgery,

Axillary surgery

Single Shot:




SonoLong Sono

for SonoPlex


for Continuous

TAP Block


Abdominal surgery

Single Shot:

SonoTAP, SonoPlex



E-Cath/E-Cath Plus

for SonoPlex


for Continuous

RSB Block

(Rectus Sheath)

Mid-line abdominal incisions

Single Shot:




E-Cath/E-Cath Plus, SonoLong Sono

for Single Shot


for Continuous



Poster Block GuRU Trunk: a guide for your fascial plane blocks. You can find the PDF below.

Why Pajunk?

Because we have years of experience in the field of ultrasound-guided needles. In collaboration with Dr. Chris Mitchell, we have succeeded in creating an effect that allows the ultrasound to always return to the transducer, thus generating an optimized ultrasound image. Cornerstones Reflectors – A Standard for Ultrasound Visibility

You can read more about the success story of our Cornerstone technology here.

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1 Chakraborty, A., Blockmate, a practical guide for Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia, 2021 | 1st ed. 2021,Springer Verlag, Singapore

"Do you want to know more about our needles and catheters?

Take a look into our nerve block pages."

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