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Pajunk in a new look – Corporate Design 2.0

The Corporate Design – a new approach to public image

What makes a company unique? Is it the products, their benefits or the production site? Before you consciously change your mind about a company and its products, it is often the first, subconscious impression that makes the difference: high-quality packaging, a harmonious logo, the colours used and the composition of all these aspects.


Pajunk is aware of the effect that the visual appearance has on people and focuses on a modern and clear appearance. In order to be able to stand out from the mass of the competition in the long term as a pioneering medical technologist, a comprehensive corporate design (CD) was developed. In addition to the design philosophy, this also includes the concrete measures for implementation in the form of visual communication media. After intensive planning and development, the new Pajunk CD is now finally being put into practice.


For Alice Golka, responsible for corporate communications at Pajunk, the advantages of the design approach are obvious: "A uniform corporate design conveys professionalism and increases the brand's recognition value. The new CD contains guidelines for the use of all optically detectable elements of the company: signet, logo, typography, colour scheme, formats of business letters as well as envelopes and much more.“

Never change a winning team

Among the outstanding innovations of the corporate design are the stand-alone symbol and the introduction of a new claim. The stand-alone symbol represents a freestanding "P", which is reminiscent of a needle. The stand-alone symbol thus pays homage to the groundbreaking SPROTTE® needle, which is closely linked to the success story of Pajunk. The combination of the traditional philosophy with a modern and elegant design reflects Pajunk's values perfectly. These values are also brought more into focus by the new claim: "Trust Tradition. Experience Innovation." is the promise that Pajunk gives to the world and to himself. A promise of progress and future. At the same time the new claim serves as a guiding principle for all colleagues, according to which they orientate their daily work.


The characteristic green remains, freely after the motto "never change a winning team". "With our Pajunk green we are consciously perceived and recognized on the market, therefore we stick to our colors also under the new corporate design. It also makes the transition to the new design easier," explains the International Marketing Director.

You know, that's Pajunk

The Pajunk managing directors, Simone Pajunk-Schelling and Martin Hauger, are pleased about the new look with which the company will present itself in the future. "The new appearance has been worked on intensively. Now we are naturally very curious to see how our environment will react to the uniform and professional CD", says Martin Hauger about the new design. For Simone Pajunk-Schelling, the corporate design also has a special meaning: "We now not only have a more uniform appearance, but the new CD also gives us a higher recognition value. You see our colors, the Pajunk-P or our font and you know immediately: That's Pajunk." Symbolically for the implementation of the new CD, Simone Pajunk-Schelling and Martin Hauger hoisted a new Pajunk flag in front of the main building - naturally in accordance with the guidelines of the new corporate design.

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